Bromsgrove School visited Nietzsche Education headquarters in Shanghai on 5th Nov. 2017

On September 13, Beijing time, Bromsgrove School visited Nietzsche's Shanghai headquarters.As one of Nietzsche's close partners, the assistant principal of the school, Rachel Scannell, visited Nietzsche every year for friendly exchange.Over the years, Nietzsche has sent many excellent students to the school, which is well proved by the successful case of Nietzsche student Jerry reported last week (there is a link to the case at the end of this article).During this visit, Ms. Rachel Scannell will also communicate with Chinese students, so that Chinese students can feel the charm of famous schools without leaving their homes.Meanwhile, our students can communicate with teachers from famous universities without having to travel to the UK. I believe this shows Nietzsche's professional service and good reputation in international famous schools overseas.

Before interviewing students, Ms. Rachel Scannell gave Nietzsche's team a detailed Presentation.Over the years, the school has maintained a high standard of academic achievement.In 2016, the a-level score of the school, A* -a, was 55.94%. In 2017, it was 54.1%.This year, the average IB score is 39.1. The IB has its own grading system, with 45 being the highest score, and a score of about 36 to 38 qualifying for Cambridge (generally 40-41).

The school also opened a brand new concert hall and a performing arts center this year.In addition, the school will  renovate the dormitory, so that students can have a better learning environment in the school!